Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Bunny Picture

Well we went to the mall today to get a picture with the Easter Bunny but we got there right as he (or is it a she?) was going on break. Break was 45 minutes so we tried wasting our time in the mall with no luck. We hit supper time and the boys turned cranky and we had to go home.

Tomorrow we are off to Browntown and we already have the truck packed. Get up, eat and go. Hopefully the boys sleep on the way down so we don't have three hours of the wiggles...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Movie Test

Lets see if I can make this fancy toy worth its purchase..

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A little test

Just a little test to see if I can put web links into the post as well as pictures.

The New Begining

Ok here we go trying something new. Going to try and use some web based applications to make it a little easier to keep up to date. Time is precious and with the third monkey on the way we will need every free second we can get.. Ok time to see if we can't get our pictures online and we should be good to go.. Stay tuned to for new posts and hopefuly we can keep it up to date..