Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I Found It..

Chase thinks he found our brick in the fountain but Isaac reassures him that it's not in there. He told Chase that the fountain is where you go "barrow" change to buy a soda..

Play Time

The babysitter got to watch Hannah while everyone else went to the pool only to find that the pool was closed. They ended up at the next best, the local park where they got to ride the horses and play on the slide.

Looking Good

Issac gets ready to go out in the wind. I think he would make a good little Amish girl for Halloween.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Swing Time & Tub Time

Hannah gets a little quite swing time while the boys figure out who is going to boost the other one out.

Yo-Yo King

Get Ready to see Isaac at this years yo-yo championships. You will find him here on Sept. 6th. As you can see in the video he is really good at walking the dog..

Pool Time

The boys get some quality time in the swimming pool. Water was a little cool so they didn't snorkel to much. Isaac found a clam and chase a starfish..