Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Does this count in the 5 second rule??

This is Isaac's new thing. He likes to put food in his mouth, chew it and spit it into his bib. He then re-eats it from his bib. It is pretty gross but hey at least he is eating, right??

Chase and Grandpa Mike

This past weekend we had lots of company. The boys seemed to be more comfortable with everyone being in their own home. Chase crawled up on Grandpa Mike's lap all by himself and watched the football game....

Halloween Costumes....

The boys tried on their Halloween Costumes. Isaac is a Captain Feathersword and Chase is Dorothy the Dinosaur. Ok so that is kind of a girl name but they are from their favorite show--- The Wiggles!! They are so CUTE!!

Hannah telling us just how it is...

I think that little Miss Hannah is going to talk our ear off when she learns to talk. This is her talking to mommy telling her all about her brothers....