Friday, October 31, 2008

Box Heads

Daddy and the boys cooking supper. Do you see how fast it is getting done. The boys love putting boxes on their heads and they were able to get daddy to look silly too. We just had to make that a kodak moment.

Suppose to be Nap Time....

If you listen carefully in the background you can hear Isaac sticking his fingers down his throat making a gagging sound. Then Chase (his little cheerleader) laughing his little butt off so Isaac will do it again. I think they did this for about 20 minutes or so... What will they come up with next to not have to take a nap??

First Tofu Ice Cream Sandwiches

This is the boys first time trying their Tofu Ice Cream Sandwiches. Chase took his apart like an oreo and ate the outsides first. Isaac for the most part ate his like a sandwich until he smashed it on the table.... these are sure messy!

Hannah all dressed up

Check out Hannah's cute little hat! She looks so cute in it even though she was not to fond of it. Hannah is a bumble bee this year for Halloween. Hopefully she likes trick or treating!!