Friday, March 28, 2008

Doing Better

The boys both did a little better today. Maybe the teeth are starting to come through. They even played tonight and Isaac was nothing but cool!! Going to be an interesting weekend with Kim having to work. I just hope the boys play nice while mommy is gone...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Little Surprise

With Isaac not feeling well Kim decided to give him a bath to help him relax. I guess he got a little to relaxed and left a little present for Chase. Chase decided that he would skip his bath for the night...


It's been a moody last couple of days. We can see that Chase is getting his front teeth and found out today that Isaac is getting 4 of his molars. I guess those big teeth hurt coming in because he hasn't been much fun. We just hope they come in fast so that way they can start feeling good again.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cranky Boys

Let's just hope it's the teeth coming in that's making them so Happy :)

Not Much New

Nothing to exciting happened yesterday. Kim had to work last night so the boys spent the day at the baby sitter and are over again this morning. Isaac woke up crabby so I hope he is better when mommy has to pick him up.

Here is a photo of Isaac and his dragon.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Boy's new cousin

Kim's brother and sister in-law gave birth to Spencer Michael Dunlavy on Saturday the 22nd and everyone is doing well.

What You Looking At??


Well it was a busy weekend. We headed out for grandpa Dunlavy's house Saturday morning for Easter. Had to stop by grandma & grandpa Osborn's for a bite to eat. Got our fill and we're back on our way..