Saturday, May 24, 2008

Catching some Rays

Picture shows Hannah catching some rays. The ultra violet rays help break down bilirubin since her little liver isn't keeping up. Her numbers are dropping only after two days under the light so that is good. Hannah is also off of oxygen and eating like a cow. If she keeps improving she will be home before we know it and we will have to give up our expensive baby sitters at the hospital.

Doing Good

The whole family got up to see Hannah last night and she is doing well. They have lowered her required oxygen and air flow. They also increased her food intake. The boys weren't able to go in and see her so they played in the waiting area and tried to get free soda.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Big Finger or Little Hand?

Is that a big finger or just a little hand? We also got more pictures put up under the pictures LINK

Lesson Learned

Chase learned that it's fun to drop pans but not as much fun to drop pans on his toe.

Daddy and Hannah

Daddy getting his turn..

Mommy and Hannah

Mommy got to hold Hannah for the first time last night. Hannah is doing good and starting to improve. Today they will start to increase her food consumption so that should help. Won't be long before she gets to come home...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hard At Work

Daddy is hard at work at the hospital. It's a tough job but someone has to do it..


Hannah is cuddled in for the night at the NICU. They have her on some oxygen and are monitoring her stats. She really does like her nook..

Baby Time!!!

Hannah just couldn't wait and decided it was time to come out last night. Hannah Grace Osborn was born at 6:31 weighing 5lbs 8oz and 18" long. Both mom and the baby are doing good.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Chase trying to use the 4-wheeler to get on the table. Isaac trying to stand and ride the 4-wheeler across the living room floor. I guess I better add 911 to my speed dial.


It was a haircut weekend. Boy got another buzz cut to look good for the summer.


It was an exciting weekend having played chicken for the first time. The stroller thought it could take me on but having the skill and know how I was able to defeat it quite easy with the Durango. Now the stroller doesn't think it's so tough. (Note: we need to get a bigger garage)