Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Big Yellow Dump Truck

The boys think it is funny to push each other around in their big yellow dump truck. Once in a awhile they will be running really fast and push the other one into the wall.... Then it becomes interesting!

Just another day....

Daddy almost had to come home from work to get Chase unstuck from the rocking chair. I have no idea how he got himself in there but it was really hard to get him out... Hannah has learned how to roll
over now and once in awhile will sleep on her tummy. I think she gets scared because we are having issues with her and not wanting to sleep in the crib. Isaac just hanging out in his yellow dump truck waiting for a push...

Trick and Treating

The boys loved going to the neighbors trick and treating. Chase thought we were going to visit and was trying to go in their houses. After they figured out what to do it was a mad dash out of the wagon to see who could get there first. Chase did have a bad habit of double dipping in the candy bowls. Hannah was bored so she took a little nap along the way.

Pumpkin Carving

We attempted to carve pumpkins this year but the boys were afraid of them. They cried most of the time we were carving and didn't want anything to do with getting the seeds out. Maybe next year they will like it better.