Monday, December 8, 2008

How much trouble can I get in??

So far the boys are not bugging the tree to much. The first night after we put the tree up the boys cleaned up for us. Isaac swept with a broom and Chase mopped (well without the water). We also tried to teach them to feed the tree but they usually spill all the water before it makes it to the tree.

Christmas Tree Shopping....

Well Christmas tree shopping was not all that fun this year. Isaac cried and threw a fit for about 20 minutes before we left b/c he did not want his snowpants, coat, boots, hat & mittens on. Once we finally arrived at the tree lot they were not sure about the snow and it was so cold that day. Hannah was in her car seat covered in blankets. Next year will be alot more fun...

1st Ice Cream Cone

The boys are really enjoying their new treat!! We bought little kids cones and soy ice cream. Mommy even found soy whip cream. yum!

Group Picture

This is a very difficult task to try and get a picture of all 3 kids together, smiling pretty, and pretending to love each other. Today Isaac did not want to be touching Miss Hannah so we had to snap quickly.

Hannah Posing

This is mommy trying to get Hannah to smile pretty. She does not like to pose for pictures. She is to busy watching her brothers run around.

Sad Isaac

The boys waved bye-bye to Grandma and Grandpa Osborn and then Isaac pushed a chair over to the window looking for them. He was pretty sad when they were gone.