Monday, July 20, 2009

Dr Isaac

Isaac loves to play with mommy's stethescope. I am not sure if he ever hears anything or knows what to listen too since most of the time he is listening to his knee. But it is cute anyway..

New Friends on the Farm

Isaac and Hannah found some new friends while we visited the farm. Isaac and Hannah both really loved the kittys and as you can see they really loved the attention. Isaac also tried to pet the cow... I think this is the first time he has meet a cow.

The Animal House

Jarrod had never been to Joe and Beth's house before so we took a trip with the family down the road to see all their animals. Joe gave us a tour of his room full of his beautiful animals. He also showed off a remote control helicopter that Jarrod has an addiction to now. He even got one for his birthday. I think the kids thought all the "zoo" animals were pretty neat. And yes I am told that is a real elephant foot-- it even had little hairs on it. Isaac had his picture take with his brother-- I mean the bambo.....