Thursday, October 2, 2008

Help, Attack of the BEADS

Chase had a little issue.... Remember drinking can impair your ability to properly remove beads at MartiGras..

Sleep Time

Isaac had an issue last night and wouldn't go to sleep. After many different attempts of getting him to sleep I tried one last ditch effort. I climbed into bed and low and behold we both feel asleep.

Big Girl

Hannah decided that she was going to grow up and that meant it's time to roll over. She is getting pretty good at rolling over and it will be only a matter of time before she is crawling and chasing after the boys.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Picked This One Just For YOU!!!

Long Drive

It was a long drive today with the pumpkin hunt, stopping by great great grandma Shaw's new home, picking up the lawn mower and then finally home. The boys had their pumpkins, Chase practiced sleeping on a plane, Hannah got her butt changed in a field and furby talked all the way home...

Pumpkin Hunt

With the help of Grandpa Dunlavy we went pumpkin hunting at great grandpa and grandma Miller's pumpkin patch. The boys did a good job of finding their favorite pumpkin while Hannah picked her pumpkin from her seat. We ended up with 6 big and 2 small pumpkins which we will have to carve

soon. Stay Tooned......

Hanging Out

Hannah and her cousin Spencer hanging out at grandpas.