Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hannah and Spencer

Hannah is admiring her cousin Spencer on how well he can sit. She is jealous and wishes that she could do that. She lays on the floor and trys to sit up all the time.... Little Hannah does not want to be a little baby anymore:( She wants to get up and chase the boys.... watch here comes Hannah.

Growing Miss Hannah

Hannah is finally big enough to jump in the boys favorite toy-- the jumping johnny. She loves it and is entertained for more than 2 seconds.


Both of the boys have their favorite Halloween toys. Of coarse Isaac likes the purple pumkin with the cord and Chase has taught Morgan to run after the pumpkins as if it were a ball. So far the boys are leaving the lights alone on the window can't wait for the xmas tree!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Quite Time

For those that think they have a quite house please come spend some time here....

Tractor Time

Daddy and the boys go for a ride on the new tractor.. Chse liked the ride but Isaac thought it was best to just watch.

Outside Time

The boys line up to get outside and Hannah just hangs out in the sun..