Thursday, June 26, 2008

Poor Elmo

Chase has a falling out with his favorite elmo chair. In the end they kiss and make up so all is good.

Hannah Time

Hannah gets to play on the baby mat while the boys are busy playing in the pool.

Cake Time

Mommy runs a little short on cake so we end up with a little something like this... This is the finished product before we started to eat it.

Game Time

Our high quality babysitter gets some good quality time with guitar hero while "watching" Hannah.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


If you know how much a freak Morgan is about balls you will see how funny this clip is...

Finger Paint

Isaac gets down to business in his first finger painting. He said he tried real hard because it was a gift for Brenda.. Not sure why he needed to be in a diaper, but hay whatever it takes I guess..

Summer Dress

Hannah shows off one of her new outfits. She had a check up today and weighed in at 7lbs 8oz at 20 1/2" long.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Family and Hannah

Pool Time

  • The boys get out and have some fun in their pool. Chase was a little more daring than Isaac at first.

Play Time

Chase has some fun with Kourtney's socks and some some foam. Who needs real toys when you can fun with free stuff.