Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Kim

Just wishing my sweet wife a happy happy birthday..

Just Wrong

Ok Let me start out by saying this wasn't my idea... Did you know that you can pay people to make you cat look funny. Here is Tigger after his hair cut. Why couldn't they do his feet, looks like he is wearing furry moon boots.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Doctor Visit

Kim and the boys went to the doctors today. It was Kim's 28th week checkup and everything is looking good. Only a couple more months until the real fun starts.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Nice ride, so what you up to? Oh just cruising for some chicks. (Or in Daddy's case just using up $8 worth of batteries) Me too, lets hit the ave. and see who is out tonight... Sounds like a plan but remember we have to be home by 7 for butt changes and bed time..

Monday, March 31, 2008

Teach a dog new tricks

Well the boys taught, or wait is it the dogs taught the boys a new trick.. Look ma no hands when I eat..


Today we got out the building blocks. The boys did ok with them if ok means trying to eat them. Dogs like them too, I just hope that paint isn't lead based.

Home Alone

Daddy did it, he made it through the weekend all by himself and the boys. No fires, cuts or broken bones. Just a little mess to clean up after they go to bed..