Thursday, July 24, 2008


The boys dig into a good bowl of yogurt..

Big Pool

The Boys, Hannah, Kourtney and Momma got to go to the big pool today. Looks like everyone had a good time..

Monday, July 21, 2008


We had our first family camping trip. It was just a day visit but everyone had fun. Isaac liked the ball game and Chase got to drink a slushy.

Rocking Chair

Missed the big tip over, but the video gives you an idea of what happened..

Doctor Visit

We had a family day at the doctors on Friday. Everyone checked out OK and their latest stats are below:

Hannah -

  • Weight - 8lbs 13oz, 9%
  • Height - 21in, 9%
  • Head Circumference - 37cm, 12%

Isaac -

  • Weight - 24lbs 9oz, 30%
  • Height - 33 3/4 in, 85%
  • Head Circumference - 48 3/4cm, 76%

Chase -

  • Weight - 22lbs 2oz, 7%
  • Height - 32 in, 38%
  • Head Circumference - 47 3/4cm, 49%