Saturday, November 22, 2008

Daddy's buy....

Here are the pj's that daddy bought the boys online at the Childrens Place Sale after Halloween. Notice that they are purple and have ruffles.... what is daddy trying to say here!! And little Hannah fell asleep one night in her high chair after chowing down.

Spencer's Visit

Katrina and Spencer visited us last weekend. We watched Spencer while Katrina and her family went to the Packer/ Bear game. Need we say anymore about the outcome of that game... damn bears. Spencer and Hannah had fun playing with her toys. She is finally filling out more and catching up to Spencer. Watch out her comes trouble.

Car Slippers

Chase loves his car slippers. He even slept with them the other night. Isaac on the other hand is afraid to put them on his feet. He has something about things on his feet....

Hannah's First Food

Hannah did not find her first food very enjoyable. It took her a week or two before she really started to like it. Now she is a pro and loves to eat. Her brothers think it is funny to stand on the side of her high chair and make her laugh.

First Snow

The boys didn't know what to think when they woke up and the ground was white. So they put their shoes on to take a little stroll in the snow. It will be a long winter though if Isaac doesn't get over the fear of his snow boots.

Bath time

Hannah had her first experience in the bath tub with her brothers.... everything was going well until Isaac dumped a cup of water over her head. Let's just say she was not impressed and screamed for a very long time.

Buzz Cuts

The boys really did not like their haircuts this time so daddy sat in the bath tub with them to shave theirs heads. We decided to do a buzz cut because the boys were getting a little rough with the hair pulling.