Friday, June 6, 2008

Naughty Boys

Well the boys weren't quite ready for the big boy beds. They just got to excited and ran around the room playing and wouldn't go to sleep. We tried putting the cribs together but that didn't help much, plus Chase got stuck between them. So they are now back to crib mode and sleeping better.

Bath Time

Hannah got her first bath at home and did really well. It was so much easier doing just one this time around.. We also got the May pictures uploaded so go check those out..

Monday, June 2, 2008

Not only for cats

Some would say this is mean, I say it's just funny...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Big Boys Crib

We decided to try turn the boy's cribs into toddler cribs. The boys thought this was the greatest thing ever. They had so much fun that they wouldn't lay down to take a nap. They felt they needed to keep running between the beds. We ended up having to zip tie the main panel back up to keep them in. We are going to try again today to see if they go to sleep.

Summer Time

The weather was nice and Hannah got to wear her first summer dress. The boys enjoyed being outside and have learned to climb on the little play set.

Dance Dance Dance

Well the boys have been practicing their dance moves and are getting pretty good. I think they are wanting Rock Band for Christmas, they say they need to fine tune their skills.