Monday, March 30, 2009

Hannah's 1st Pig Tails

Hannah's hair is finally long enough to have pig tails. She sat pretty good for me to put them in but I had to get her while she was eating. Doesn't she look so cute?

Jarrod and Taylor cooking

Jarrod had a little helper the other night when he was making chicken. Taylor (the cat) decided to jump in the sink and eat the raw chicken before Jarrod could yell at him. This is a picture before the kitty went running when he was yelled at....

Hannah is becoming a big girl...

Hannah is starting to become very moblie. She has learned to climb on the treadmill and dig in the legos. Does that look like an accident waiting to happen. Guess we will have to move the legos. Hannah also likes to push her walker just as much as she likes to ride in it. She also decided that she was not a baby anymore and will not eat baby food for me. She wants to eat with the boys and eat what they are eating. She does really well at getting the food in her mouth and picking out all the bread. No matter how good I mix it up....

The boys...

Notice the window ledge.... Chase has lined up all of his cars oh so neatly. While Isaac on the other hand is trying to climb on the counter and mommy is telling him"NO"....

Spencer's Birthday Party

Spencer had his 1st Birthday Party a few weeks ago... it is hard to believe that he is 1 yr old already. Spencer, Simon and Hannah were able to play togerher. They had a lot of fun. Hannah missed out on the whole birthday cake eating b/c she decided to take a nap at that very moment. The boys were at the park with daddy and grandpa mike for most of the party.

Keeley's Cage

The boys both had their own ideas of what to do with Keeley's dog kennel while she was here. Isaac just played in it sometimes leaving his toys behind for her to chew on. While Chase was busy making sure it was really clean... yes that is him vacuuming the kennel.