Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 2010 Snow

On the morning of April 8th Isaac was the first to walk out into the kitchen and see the blanket of white snow. He just kept saying mommy snow, mommy snow.... then Chase and Hannah noticed and realized what it was. From then on all I heard was Mommy Out, Mommy Out. So I finally gave in and dressed all of them

and sending them outside to play. They loved it and of coarse didnt want to come in.

At the park

Easter weekend we wondered over to the park where "daddy" played as a kid... The kids really love going to any park. As long as there is a swing for each of them and a fast slide they are happy.

playing with our Easter toys at Grandma and Grandpa O's

The Easter bunny brought the kids T ball and bats at Grandma and Grandpa O's. Here are some pictures of everyone trying to hit the ball. Not sure who has more fun-- the kids or Grandpa and Daddy......

Hannah being Hannah

This is the way Hannah says that you ride Spencer's airplane. And Aunt Nicole trying to get Hannah to smile for the camera. She never smiles for Aunt Nicole to take her picture.

Easter 2010

The kids had a really good time with Easter this year. They all colored (or cracked) the eggs that we made for the easter bunny to hide. It took a few times of telling them what they were suppose to do when searching for their baskets... once they caught on they didnt want to stop. Then the sugar high kicked in...