Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hannah on the go...

In the last few weeks Hannah has become very good at getting around. She still has not gotten up on her knees to crawl but does do the army crawl all over. Soon she will go go go.....

What is up with this??

Does this mean that Chase is going to be a kleptomaniac??? If you look closely you can see that he has a bunch of toys shoved down his shirt and stuffed the max in his pajama legs... Chase does this on a daily basis....

Fun at the Mall

We took at trip to the mall on a Saturday (big mistake) but the boys sat like big boys at the booth to eat their Mc Donalds. After lunch we played in the playland for a short time b/c ppls kids can be so naughty. I think the boys would of had more fun if they were not being run over by the bigger kids.

Dad we need one more...!

Daddy if we had one more sibling we would have equals for our basketball game. Now we have boys vs girls (baby and dog). Hannah is fast in her walker with her side kick Morgan gettin the ball but the boys will kick butt. Although I hear mommy says No Way.......

Naughty Corner

Yes my little angels have a naughty corner. Isaac tends to be the more sensitive one and seems to have his feelings hurt. As for Chase he tends to laugh at us like do you think I am listening.

My Princess

Hannah loves to pose for mommy to take a picture. At least one of my kids enjoys being in the spot light. She has given up on baby toys and moved on to her brothers toys. Needless to say they are not to thrilled with sharing and are getting real good at taking them away from her. Miss Hannah lets me know when they are being mean to her. I am sure the neighbors might even hear her.

The Boys 2 Year Check-up

We took the boys in for their 2 year doctor visit (yes they are already 2- where did that time go). Isaac was 28 pounds (48%) and 36 inches (84%). Chase was 26 pounds (23%) and 34.5 inches (48%). Isaac still has a few inches on Chase. The doctor prodicted that Isaac will be at least 6 feet. Geez he will tower over his mommy.... We had Hannah weighed with her clothes on and she weighed in at 19.5 pounds. She is right behind those Big Brothers.