Sunday, February 22, 2009

So Close

The room is almost done, just got some final touches left. The boys have been sleeping in the loft the last few nights and they seem to really like it. We got the "ramp" in with the help of block steps and rope pull. The boys got it down pretty good and can get up and down without a problem. Now if we can only keep them from sending everything they have down the ramp. We even got the rope lights in to help see where to go and let a plane land if needed..


Hannah just looking good and helping Chase get up on the table..

Black Eye

Chase got into his first fight with the baby sitters couch. If you think Chase looks bad you should see the couch.

Nap Time

Isaac said he was a big boy and didn't need a nap but as you can see he might not yet be that big.

Play Time

The grand kids have fun at grandma and grandpa Osborns. Isaac shows of his skills at Rock Band playing the drums and Chase just hangs out waiting for the roadies. Hannah knows where to get some attention..


The snow bank in the front lawn finally melted away just to find this. It looks like a family of moles made a little city in the lawn. Now only if I can get them to come back in the spring to reseed the grass.