Sunday, June 28, 2009

No Nap Hannah

This was Hannah one day last week... She thinks that she is a big girl and does not need naps. And well the video shows it all.....

My Little Hair Dresser

The kids were given a vanity set from the girls and they all love it. They watch mommy get ready every day well most days anyway... This is Chase straightening mommy's hair.

The Ride Home

On the ride home Jarrod told the boys to put their hands in the air like they were on a roller coaster when we went over the bridges.... Isaac didn't understand and left his hands up for about 5 minutes. Miss Hannah was all tired out.

Bay Beach

We spent an afternoon at Bay Beach in Greenbay. The boys drove the cars and Chase said he wanted to be a Nascar driver when he grows up. Hannah even got into the rides and helped drive the bug with Chase. The boys did the big slide with mom and dad and the kids did the boats. As you can see Isaac broke the rules by putting his hands in the water. He even got yelled at by the operator whom had to turn the ride off. He is such a rebel.

The Wildlife Sanctuary

On this past Friday we took the kids to the Wildlife Sanctuary with Grandpa Mike and Emma. It was a blistering 89 degrees that day. They all really seemed to like the exibits. Both of the boys thought it was pretty neat to walk through the tunnels while Hannah bonded with the black bear.... It was pretty neat for being free. A lot of the animals were hiding since it was so hot outside.


The weather has been beautiful so the kids have been able to enjoy playing outside. They all have their favorite things to do. Isaac loves to play in any thing that has to do with water, Chase plays a lot in the sand box with his diggers, and Miss Hannah spends most of her time running away from the boys so they can't steal her toys.... Although she is starting to fight back. Soon enough they will all be going at it.... Oh that will be fun.

Oh The Joys Of Potty Training....

We have sort of started potty traing the kids as you saw on the last post. Although we do not attempt the cheerios in the potty... But all the kids have went pee pee in the potty just once. Hannah was the 1st to go and she got her little ball that lights up. Isaac was 2nd and he got his garbage truck. Chase was the last to go and he got his bull dozer. And the picture of all three of them is with their toys they got for going to the potty.... now if they could just do it all the time and not pee puddles on the floor.... is it over yet??