Sunday, August 23, 2009

The First Babies

I thought the puppies needed a picture on here.... They feel left out. So here is Hunter and Morgan enjoying our many days outside.... Oh and that is a picture of Jarrod with ppl from the Freak Show in Vegas..... He insisted.

The Big Spill

We had our first major spill. This is Isaac helping himself to Milk from the frig. I think it scared him more than anything.... I can't wait to see what lies ahead...

The Doctors...

Chase had his colonoscopy and endoscopy last week. Let's just say we don't want to do that anytime soon. He was really good for his IV and NG. He had a little trouble tolerating the go-lightly so he ended up having many enemas that night. They gave him some happy drugs before leaving us for his procedure and it was quite funny... We have a video to come....He was diagonosed with eosinophilic esophagitis. It means that his esophagus is slightly swollen and has little white bumps on it. Hopefully it is due to all of his food allergies we just learned about. So now the task at hand is to eliminate dairy, wheat, egg, peanut, tree nut, fish, rice and peas. Then in a few months do a repeat scipe to see if he is better. I guess he will never out grow this so hopefully we can manage it.I am not sure who was more tired daddy or chase. ? And the big white "hive" is on Isaac's back. That is what a positive dairy allergy looks like. Poor Chase's back was covered in those....

Green Bay Zoo

Last weekend we took the kids to the Green Bay Zoo. They all love walking around and seeing the animals. We went early in the morning and on a day it was suppose to rain (which it did) so there were not a lot of ppl there. Isaac tried to feed the giraffes but dropped his cracker. As for the group photos... Isaac would not have anything to do with it.

Potty Training

We have started the long process of potty training... The first day was almost the last day for awhile. We went through 12 pair of undies and many many pee pee spots on my floor. But I went with day 2 and the boys really seemed to get it for the most part. We made it into a competition to who could go first and of coarse get a new hot wheel and cracker. We are still working on the poo poo part. I am happy with how well they are doing. As for Hannah she just watches and pretends to go potty. The outfit she has on is one of mine when I was a baby....

Summer Time

The kids have really been getting into cleaning lately. So I have been taking advantage of that. Here they are cleaning the floor, table, wall or whatever is dirty from their food not
staying on their plate. Shopping can be very interesting. At least we are able to entertain everyone at the grocery store with or train of customers in training carts.... Mommy decided to eat outside one day for lunch. We will just say it was a lot of work but they seemed to enjoy it.

Visiting cousins Corinne and Caroline

We made it up to spend a weekend with the O'dell's. The boys had a lot of fun playing with the girls toys. As you see Isaac likes the purple car. The boys camped out in a tent in the basement and I caught them sleeping holding hands.... they are never that nice to each other. And yes we believe Isaac is allergic to the little pigs...