Monday, February 9, 2009


Does everyone have days where their children have food fights with each other and fill their juice glasses full of the food that wasn't thrown. Oh Boys will be boys....

Almost finished

The loft is almost done. All that daddy has left to do is build the ramp. Hopefully this week we can finish it and the boys (prolly daddy too) can sleep up there. It is actually pretty cool... this is what daddy loves to do... design and build. What next??

Daddy's Project

Daddy had this idea to build the boys a loft in their bedroom since we need room for Hannah in there. He made the design last week and over the weekend we all pitched in to help. Isaac (with his safety glasses on) is helping daddy by putting screws in the holes that mommy drilled. Chase was very helpful and handed things to daddy when he needed them. Mommy had a great idea of adding a slide to get down but in the 5 minute trial run Chase crashed into the wall 3 times and Hannah once. So we had to go with the ramp since the was to fast and to many accidents waiting to happen.

Outside Adventure

I think the boys miss going outside. Now when they go out they have so many layers to put on and HATE their mittens. This is a picture just before they both freaked out because they won't leave their mittens on. Gee the snow is sooo cold. Mom can't wait for spring.

Mommy and Daddy's Getaway

Grandma and Grandpa Osborn came up to the house and stayed with the kids a couple of weekends ago. So mommy and daddy to get away for an overnight getaway It was really relaxing to have 24 hours off of parenting duties and we left them with 3 sick kidos too. We stayed down by Milwaukee and even had a 20 foot pool in our room. How cool is that!! You will have to ask Jarrod about the potty picture. Hint-- ask him if it is a butt washer or a mouth washer? He seemed to get that one confused when he was trying to figure out how to work it... Check out the outfits the children are wearing in the pic with grandma and grandpa.

Miss Hannah...

For some reason Miss Hannah has gotten a little needy lately. Mommy didn't like listening to her cry so we are doing a lot of bonding. Hannah spends most of lunch and supper time in the backpack on mommy's back. She loves it. I think she knows that she is safe from her brothers there and gets to be close to her mommy.

What is Chase doing??

Last week Chase was cuirsing around in Hannah's walker, took the corner too fast and ended up taking a big digger. Of coarse daddy had to get the picture before he helped Chase out... Thanks Daddy!