Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas at Grandpa Dunlavy's

Last weekend we traveled home to Grandpa Mike's for Christmas. By now the boys were getting the hang of it. When they would get clothes they would cry and throw it to mommy waiting for the toys.... they are getting smarter....


This is Jarrod trying to drive the Durango through huge snow drift and not quite making it. He claims he couldn't see it. Sad thing is was that he was on his way to get gas for the snow blower... so he had to shovel himself out. Finally he made it home and was loved snow blowing our driveway. As you can see it was pretty deep....


Hannah's favorite time of Christmas morning was the clean up.... somehow mommy never quite finished getting her dressed after her diaper change. As soon as she can walk she is going to say bye bye to baby toys and hello boys toys. I know they can't wait for their little sister to be bugging them.


Chase's favorite toy is his vacuum cleaner. He has already gone threw 1 set of batteries. It would be worth it if it would really vacuum the floor. Then I would never have to clean again since Chase is our little cleaner


Here is Isaac trying on his new robe. He was quite sure what to think of it.

Christmas Morning at home.

The boys were so excited to be released from their gated "big boy room" (for their own protection of coarse) and ran down the hallway to find all the gifts under the tree. They both threw their blankets down and headed for the tool bench. Hannah was left behind with mommy to open her gifts which she loved ripping the paper off....

Monday, December 29, 2008


We ventured to the mall and stood in line for an hour to see Santa. Everyone was good and there was no crying, I am sure next year will be a little bit different..

Christmas at Grandma/Grandpa Osborns

Where are we going to put all these toys????

Big Boy Beds

We decided to try the toddler beds again with the boys. Things are getting better after a few nights in them. It only takes about an hour for them to settle down and go to bed. Only problem is Chase has a problem with staying in..