Thursday, April 24, 2008

Doctors Visit

The boys had their 15 month doctor visit today and had a great time. Their favorite was the three shots they got in their legs. Below are their updated measurements:
Weight 21lbs 9oz sitting at 10% of his class
Height 31.75" sitting at 64% of his class
Head Circumference 47.5cm sitting at 57% of his class
Weight 22lbs 9oz sitting at 20% of his class
Height 32.75" sitting at 88% of his class
Head Circumference 48.25cm sitting at 76% of his class

Trivia for the day - What is the height of the smallest person????
It is only 20"

Cruising Again

The boys go for a ride in the cool Wiggles car at the baby sitters and love every minute of it.. I just hope they don't expect a red sports car when they get older.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sand Pile

Ya that little mark on the floor is a pile of sand that I brought into the house. I sure hope mommy likes my castle.. Now if I can only find some water for the mote..

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Looking good

Well I was out pimping my new shades during our walk today. Got some digits that I might just have to call later tonight after bath or probably wait until tomorrow after nap time.

Helping Daddy

So what's for dinner, I don't know but I am good to go with these two..