Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Sunday Jarrod insisted on taking the boys sledding (in our front yard) but we didn't have a sled. Try finding a sled in January... We went to 3 stores and finally for 1 at fleet farm. Chase really didn't know if he liked it or not but Isaac sure did. After Chase came in the house daddy and Isaac had a turn down the hill.... Now do you think the boys really wanted to go sledding or daddy???

Hannah chasing the boys

Hannah has learned to get around pretty well in her walker. She loves chasing the boys. Soon she will be beating them up causing a little more action in our house..... When will we ever have quite time??

Chase vacuuming

I guess Chase thought that the treadmill was dirty. The 1st day we had it upstairs he cleaned it. Both boys also did alot of fixing it with their tools. They were copying what daddy does with his screw drivers, hammers, and drills.

Nap Time

One day the boys decided to help mommy rearrange their dresser instead of taking a nap. Needless to say mommy was not very happy with them....

Pretty pictures of the kids....

The boys loved looking at his
big bear that was at the hotel and even sat so we could take a picture of them. Hannah was picking up all the little guys with this sexy swimsuit..... maybe that is why she didn't like the water- she wasn't wearing enough clothes....

Water Park

Here are a few pictures of the kids at the water park in Green Bay for their 2 nd Birthday. The boys loved the water and playing with all the other kids. Hannah on the other hand was not to fond of the water and just hung out with great grandma. Hopefully Jarrod can set up a link to all the wate park pictures. I am not the good at the computer thing...