Monday, April 27, 2009

Hannah's early 1st Birthday present

Hannah got her birthday present a little early. So far she loves it and the boys have been enjoying it too. If everyone would just start feeling better and want to play it would be a lot more fun. Of coarse we have had a few fights over the dishes and play food....

The boys driving the barbie jeep

Here is a clip of the boys driving the barbie jeep for the first time. Notice Hannah found a driver to haul her around. I am sure that will be the same in the future. I think they learned to drive from the daddy....

Mommy is getting crafty

Mommy is trying to find some different kind of projects for the boys to do. We have painted little clay pots with the boys names on them. Then we planted flowers in them. Chase's has started growing where as Isaac's is being a little slow. Hopefully it will grow for him.

Here are a few videos of Hannah. She had her 1st lesson at using her spoon. Actually she did really well and had more fun feeding herself than having mommy. The other video is Hannah gettin her groove on in the barbie jeep from the girls. I think her brothers were too embarrassed of her dancing to drive her around. Enjoy!!

The Castle

The boys were given this castle made with big lego type blocks from one of my co-workers at theda. We decided to get it out the other day and build it. The boys loved playing with it and taking it down then waiting for mommy to build it again....

The Hunt

All of the kids loved hunting eggs. Chase was a wild man and took off trying to hoard all of the eggs he could find. Isaac strolled behind getting excited everytime he found another egg. Miss Hannah found a few in the house as she was exploring and tried to eat it...

Coloring Easter Eggs

Ok I am a little behind on updating but we have been a little under the weather with the cold bugs and now we have the flu. Here are some pictures of the boys coloring easter eggs. They really enjoyed doing it-- I am not sure if they understood exactly why we were coloring eggs though. Oh but they loved hunting them....