Saturday, April 19, 2008


What can I say, he is going to be the next Dancing With The Stars winner.

Sand Box

What's up with all this grass and rocks in our sandbox? Oh that's daddy just being cheap. He is trying to save up for a PS3.... I hired out this little truck to haul the rocks out but it's going to take a long time for them to finish.. Maybe we can just eat them??


Chase's new favorite thing... Rock... Rocks in the bird feeder, Rocks in the mouth, Rocks in the bumblebee..

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Balls Of Fun

It's amazing that a old half inflated pool and a bag of balls can bring such excitement. Now if they can only learn to put the balls back rather than throw them out...


9 hours at the hospital, seeing 2 doctors and 5 nurses and all I got was this nice band aid....

What you doing?

So what are you doing down there? Well I tried sliding under the gate like the cat and now I am stuck. Well that sucks to be you, do you need help? No, I will just scream long enough to irritate Mommy and she will pull me out..

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today wasn't much fun for Chase. Mommy had to take him to the doctors because he was having problems breathing. They couldn't do much at the clinic so Daddy came home to watch Isaac while Mommy took him to the big hospital. We were planning for those two to have to spend the night but the doctor said there wasn't much they could do and it had to run it's course. I guess Chase just has a icky virus. So hopefully we can get through the night without much trouble and Chase starts feeling better tomorrow.