Sunday, March 15, 2009

When are you coming to get me???

We are dog sitting and cat sitting for Kourtney's zoo. Keylee is doing good no major damage control needs yet. Although I can see her eyeing up things that she is waiting to chew on when I turn my back.... The kittys are livin in the basement. No one has come upstairs to visit yet. oh and that is daddy wondering what he has gotten into with all the new additions for the week.


Chase had a busy day with daddy and Isaac. They went to the saturn dealership for an oil change then to the bank. Here he decided he was going to be a banker.... they opened a savings account for everyone and then Chase played with his bank papers for hours. Please don't touch his papers or he might wig out.....

Look A likes...

Where does Isaac get this pose?? He looks just like his daddy...

Hannah's new dress

Mommy saw this cute little dress when she was out shopping. It had Hannah's name written all over it. Mommy couldn't say no. Doesn't she look cute??